noor ostad
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In the Name of God

Look at this text and if you find that it is eloquent, accept it whole-heartedly.Those who have attended the circle of the lessons of the divine and wise Philosopher, Ostad Seyyed Ali Mousavi, continuously for many years and used a goblet to benefit from the two unlimited seas of Philosophy, Hikmat, and Gnosis of ‘The Four intellectual Journeys’ of Asfar of Mulla Sadra and Mulla Mohsen Feiz Kashani’s ‘Safi’ and have drunk or will drink the same, have provided their scientific, gnostic and exemplary views and researches in this regard.The first subject is about Omour-e- Zehni (mental affairs) as follows:Omour-e-Zehni (mental affairs) through Gnosis, providing examples, and science.Kant’s, David Hume’s, and Hegel’s opinions about mental affairs.The use of Omour-e-Zehni to cure illnesses.


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